I came to practice in McDonough by chance.  My neighbor in Atlanta introduced me to my future wife, Alicia.  She was living in McDonough with her parents at the time and working with her dad.  When I would drive through town on my way to their house, I would always think McDonough looked like a great place to live and practice dentistry.  So, when we got engaged, I knew I wanted to live and practice here.

McDonough has changed tremendously since 1990; from a small, sleepy country town to what seems to be a traffic filled, busy place.  But I still love living here, and I’ve made some great friends and have a lot of great patients who have made my practice what it is today.  McDonough still has the rural, “country” feel to it that makes it so special to me, and I have enjoyed raising my family here.

I have greatly enjoyed serving the dental needs of the folks in this warm and friendly area south of Atlanta for over twenty years.  People here appreciate good quality dental care and my staff and I take great pride in delivering comfortable dental care in a warm, kind and caring environment.

I am proud to be positioned so well to bring 21st century dental care to the greater south Atlanta area.  We apply new advances in dental technology and techniques with a passion for dentistry in the areas of Cosmetic Dentistry, Implant Dentistry and Restorative Dentistry that allow us to bring affordable, comfortable, high quality, long lasting care to all of our patients.

We look forward to meeting you soon.